Thursday, November 17, 2011


1. What are 5 things you learned from the film?
I learned the 7 billion dollars was spent on advertisments per year,2.7 billion dollars was spent on SuperBowl,"Just do it" is a common saying for Nike, Advertisment's help's companies get their name out to the world, Advertisment's help companies spend money to make money.

2. How did advertisement help Tommy Hilfiger?
The advertisement help him get the name Tommy Hilfiger.

3. How much does it cost to put a 30 second ad in the Superbowl.
Why do you think it cost so much?
2.7 billion dollars on a 30 sec. Super Bowl  advertisement. i think that is way to much for a 30 second advertisement for the super bowl.
4. How is advertisment like art? How is it like Pollution?
Advertisement is like art because it takes some time to do it and make it stand out to catch people attention like bright colors thats attract peoples attention or something really really nice.

5. What kind of impact did the "Just do it" motto have for 
Nike. Why was it so successful?
Because to me when you think about what kind of shoes to buy and you see a nice Nike that you like you don't know if you want to get it so "Just Do It". just buy the shoes.

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