Thursday, December 1, 2011

Observation in P-10

Mrs. Starks Observation
It is not a game in P-10, Mrs. Starks does her job just like she's supposed to. She deals with students her way and her way only, no other way, Mrs. Starks deals with parent phone calls and over 60 - 105 Students a day , Just imagine what it's like to be in her position. She also deals with 60-105 students different attitudes. She answer's back to their attitudes as she's supposed to and she will talk to their parents to clear things up. Mrs. Starks gives opportunities to help students.

Coach Harts Observation
Gives students a chance to be honest. Has many jobs a Sac High, He monitors classroom behavior. Students say's P-10 is boring from what i see Mrs. Starks and Mr. Harts keep this school in check as much as they can that's their job to keep students from disrespecting staff at Sacramento High School.

By: Mojane Pace
Mr. Sarabia's 3rd period class

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An Hour in P-10 Project

Mr. Hart's aka Coach Hart's

1. What's the first thing you think when students come in P-10?
"I try to give them the chance to be honest and tell their side of the story"
Mr. Harts reply

2. Is there such thing as a day with out students in P-10?
"Never a day with out students coming to  P-10 starting with Tardies in the morning and when class starts that's when the behavior kicks in" Says Mr. Harts

3. What's your job at Sacramento High School?
"The Dean of student's in charge of discipline, Advisor." Coach Harts says, "he has many jobs."

4. How do you feel when Students are diffiant?
"I try to find the reason why their so diffiant because no kid is just going to be that disrespectful with out something go on, Most students are diffiant because what goes on at home/outside resource."

5. What do you do around the Campus?
"Monitor for safety, classroom behavior's, make corrections when needed."

Mr. Harts says, " He enjoys his job, he like's the feeling of making a change in young adult life's."

An Hour in P-10 Project

Mrs. Starks

1. How many students do you go through a day?
Mrs. Starks says. " it vary's from 60-105 student's."

2. What's it like to deal with 900 Students personalities?
Mrs. Starks says. "It's fun, exciting, never a dull moment it's not a one time experience."

3. How do you feel when students have an attitude back?
" It's a challenge, surprised, frustrating sometimes-and just move on when done with the student don't hold them against it from time to time because they just had one bad day."

4. How and what does it feel like to be the Dean at Sacramento High School?
Mrs. Starks says . says,"It's a busy job, it's a lot of work well anything you do is a lot of work,all day and it's worth her experience and fun at Sacramento High School."

5. Do you look forward to work at Sacramento High School?
" A job that she enjoys doing, so she can point student's towards the right direction in life, she enjoys working with student's."

Mrs. Starks says, "There is no such thing as a day with students not having JAG at all, never since she's been here at Sac High, there's students everyday."

Thursday, November 17, 2011


1. What are 5 things you learned from the film?
I learned the 7 billion dollars was spent on advertisments per year,2.7 billion dollars was spent on SuperBowl,"Just do it" is a common saying for Nike, Advertisment's help's companies get their name out to the world, Advertisment's help companies spend money to make money.

2. How did advertisement help Tommy Hilfiger?
The advertisement help him get the name Tommy Hilfiger.

3. How much does it cost to put a 30 second ad in the Superbowl.
Why do you think it cost so much?
2.7 billion dollars on a 30 sec. Super Bowl  advertisement. i think that is way to much for a 30 second advertisement for the super bowl.
4. How is advertisment like art? How is it like Pollution?
Advertisement is like art because it takes some time to do it and make it stand out to catch people attention like bright colors thats attract peoples attention or something really really nice.

5. What kind of impact did the "Just do it" motto have for 
Nike. Why was it so successful?
Because to me when you think about what kind of shoes to buy and you see a nice Nike that you like you don't know if you want to get it so "Just Do It". just buy the shoes.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One More Thing

Questions for "One More Thing"
Journalism, Period 3

What adjectives were used to describe Steve Jobs in the film. List at least 5. Why do you think some of those adjectives are contradictory? 
1) Nerd
2) Legendary
3) Genius
4) Erratic
5) Demanding

What other companies was Steve Jobs a part of besides apple?
2) Pixar

What were the differences in terms of personality between Steve Jobs and Microsoft Bill Gates? How was that difference reflected in their respective companies?
1)Steve Jobs wants to change up his life style.

What Criticisms were leveled in the  film against steve jobs, about his personality and they way he used people?
1) They said he was like a bully

According to the film, why was Jobs able to be successful?
1) Buisness Motivated

List the Industries that Job's Apple helped revolutionize?
1) Art
3) Inventions

Do you think Steve Jobs and Apple have had the impact that the film describe? Why?
yes, because if they didn't the world wouldn't be so updated as we are today where would we be the Apple industry has had a great impact on the world has never experienced before.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"SWAGG" Magazine By Mojane Pace

"SWAGG" Magazine cover made in Journalism 3rd period teacher Mr.Sarabia- by Mojane Pace